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Turn on, Turn up,Transform
Helping women to embody
divine feminine energy for a life-changing RADIANCE uplevel!
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S Foundational Journey Beginner 2
Take your embodied movement practice to a deeper dive! Must have completed Foundational S Beginner 1
450 US dollars
Daybreak Ridge Road
Available spots
Service Description
8 weeks, alternating in-person with pole, and Zoom from your private anywhere-location. This will continue your embodiment practice, increase pole fun strength (and complexity), chair/energy play and beginning to dive deeper into intutiive/free dance.
Cancellation Policy
For series classes a week notice is courtesy for 100% refund. However, will refund 75% if notice given within 72 hours. For notice given more than 24 hours before class, 50% refund, and NO REFUND for cancelation less than 24 hours before class,
but you may book a future series of equal or less value that is leve-appropriate for 75% of cost.