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Welcome to the beginning of a whole new way to move, and a whole new way to feel!

I am so glad you will be joining us and starting on a journey that may very well change your life forever. If you attend regularly, this class will change your body and your mind, and you will transform into a better version of you, a happier, freer and stronger you.


f you have not attended a class at Yoni Yun or at an S Factor studio, physically it is in essence a very sensual yoga/pilates slow movement, strengthening dancy flow. For most of the moves you’ve likely done something similar, but in this class we focus on slowing down, and transitions.

Why? Slowing down is not something women or girls are encouraged to do much in our culture, especially when it comes to moving. From the time we are young, we are told to hurry up, stop dawdling, do more, even to compete with friends on being fast, the best etc...Slowing down increases flexibility, decreases risk of injury, is a "feminine energy" way to move physically as well as energetically, and increases muscular and core strength in these classes. Your understanding on the many beneifts of slowing down, especially to connect with your feminine, will increase as you attend- it is really too much to explain in this short space.


Maybe you've been lucky enough to attend yoga regularly. True yoga encourages us to move on the breath, and if you have a great teacher, to listen to and respect how your body feels.  This practice takes that much further, later, and we listen without judgement to our bodies, our emotions, music, and other things as well, to sink us deeply into our divine feminine. 


So, when you are in your first few classes, you are here to simply breathe, watch and listen, pay attention to how your body feels, and be curious. Be patient as your body learns this new fantastic language of movement. My cues are suggestions and class is very permissive.  I will verbalize and demonstrate the movements as I go. 

I invite you to wear something cozy that you feel marvelous in, and consider wearing a yoga-ish underlayer like a tank or sports bra or workout shorts/leggings, to take off a layer as you get warmed up. We are going to be stretching and strengthening to wake up the juicy parts of you, to reignite and recharge your unique and beautiful feminine body.

If you feel a stretch that feels amazing, follow it further. If you want to collapse in a pile on a blanket and just listen, and wait for your body to feel inspired to rejoin the cues, do so with indulgence and PLEASURE.

If you need more than what I am showing, make the movement bigger, bolder. I will teach your body and feminine soul a new language of movement, one that is fun, uplifting and transformative in so many ways!

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